
hybrid packaging

What is hybrid packaging?

Hybrid packaging is a solution made up of two types of materials that seek to create an innovative concept, save money, add textures, or improve the presentation of the product and the consumer experience. Without a doubt, the plastic packaging market has grown considerably in recent years due to the need to replace materials such as glass and metal. However, the needs of the market are constantly evolving and thanks to the development of new technologies and production systems, it is possible to create a package made up of different materials that favor the consumer in many aspects.

A very significant advantage of hybrid packaging is that it reduces the use of plastics in packaging products, which significantly benefits environmental care. This type of packaging is made up of two or more materials such as plastic (PET, HDPE, PP), paper, glass, and/or cardboard. Learn everything you need to know about hybrid packaging and its multiple features.

Hybrid packaging applications

It is very common to find this type of packaging in different sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food, packaging, etc. However, it is very important to consider that there is still a long way to go in terms of development and research on the mixture of plastic resins with other types of materials that favor the environment.

Similarly, technological development facilitates the handling of this type of composite packaging, which certifies its quality. In addition, hybrid packaging can be adapted without any inconvenience to different products, prioritizing their safety during transport and storage at all times.

Find the perfect combination

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages that hybrid packaging offer is that they are adaptable to different products depending on their characteristics and objectives. These are some of the most common combinations to create the perfect package for your product:

  • Plastic and cardboard: Cardboard is used mainly in the packaging industry thanks to its lightness, it is possible to store and transport the products without any inconvenience. However, it is important to mention that cardboard by itself is permeable to liquids, gases, and vapors, so it needs the collaboration of plastic so that the product does not soften the cardboard.
  • Plastic and paper: Caring for and helping the environment is very important to preserve it and avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change. One of the main advantages offered by this material is that it does not pollute, since it disintegrates naturally. However, like cardboard, it is not very resistant to liquids, so plastic offers you a great advantage in terms of safety and resistance.
  • Plastic and glass: Glass is a pure and waterproof material, it is also easy to clean, sterilize and reuse. Some of its main drawbacks are its weight, fragility, and the amount of energy used to craft it, which makes it a difficult option to use. However, in conjunction with plastic, it can offer a very favorable solution in terms of product safety.

If you have any questions about hybrid materials or packaging, do not hesitate to contact our team. Advisors will gladly clarify.

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