
¡Envases plásticos!
Nuevos productos

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plastic containers

Categorías de producto

envases de plástico


Crecimiento e innovación para nuestros clientes

Fabricamos y distribuimos según las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Con miras al futuro, nuestros procesos están enfocados hacia prácticas sustentables en búsqueda de un equilibrio con el medio ambiente.

Fabricamos y distribuimos según las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

 Plastimex es una empresa 100% mexicana con soluciones innovadoras en envases plásticos. Fabricamos y distribuimos según las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Con miras al futuro, nuestros procesos están enfocados hacia prácticas sustentables en búsqueda de un equilibrio con el medio ambiente.

                                    ¡Envases plásticos!

Estamos orgullosos de servir a las siguientes industrias


Diseños ergonómicos para facilitar su uso


Destaque sus productos con un diseño de vanguardia


Fuertes, seguros y fáciles de usar


Ideales para soportar la corrosión


Resistentes y seguros para productos corrosivos


Perfecto para contener y dispersar uniformemente

lightness of containers

Download our whitepaper “The strength and lightness of containers”

Today, lightness and strength have become crucial components in the design of plastic packaging, as these elements aim not only to optimize efficiency in logistics and transportation but also to ensure the proper protection of packaged products. Undoubtedly, this balance has led to significant advances in material engineering and packaging design, resulting in more efficient

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disadvantages of PET

Advantages and disadvantages of PET

Polyethylene terephthalate, commonly known as PET, is a versatile material that has played a key role in manufacturing various products that have revolutionized our daily lives since its introduction. However, its use raises questions about waste generation and how mismanagement affects our planet. In this blog, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of

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plastic container molding

Impulso de la economía mediante la fabricación de envases de plástico

Plastic container molding has become a key component of the industrial sector in many regions, playing a significant role in boosting the local economy. While the debate about the environmental impact of plastics continues, it’s essential to recognize how this industry contributes to economic growth, job creation, and the promotion of innovation across various sectors.

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plastic pellets

¿Qué son los pellets de plástico y para que funcionan?

In the manufacturing of packaging, a fundamental element are plastic pellets.  These tiny granules serve as the basic raw material for creating a wide range of products. In the case of Plastimex, the pellets we acquire to manufacture our bottles, drums, and other containers are made of plastic resin and are primarily composed of polyethylene

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PET bottles

¿Qué puedo envasar en mi botella de PET?

PET bottles have revolutionized the way we store liquids. Their versatility, durability, and lightness make them a popular choice for packaging a wide range of liquid products. But what exactly can you package in these bottles? Discover the possibilities that these incredible containers offer! Properties of PET PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is a thermoplastic polymer

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milk container

What is the Best Material for Milk Container?

Selecting the optimal material for Milk Containers is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of the product, considering both the required level of protection and preservation techniques. Milk, containing essential oils and fats, tends to oxidize rapidly. For example, pasteurized milk has a shelf life of seven days, making it crucial to find packaging

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