
industria plástica

small containers

Botella de polietileno vs otros materiales de envasado

In a scenario where product safety is a crucial aspect for consumers, the choice of packaging material becomes a strategic decision for any brand looking to position its product in the market. In this blog, we will explain why the polyethylene bottle represents an exceptional solution, surpassing the limitations of traditional materials like aluminum and …

Botella de polietileno vs otros materiales de envasado Leer más »

advantages of HDPE

Plastic classification: What is it for?

In the plastic container molding industry, material choice is crucial to ensure product quality. One of the most versatile and popular materials in this industry is High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE). At Plastimex, we take pride in being a leading plastic packaging manufacturer, and one of the reasons behind our success is the smart choice of materials …

Plastic classification: What is it for? Leer más »

Download our whitepaper “Boosting the economy through plastic container manufacturing”

The manufacturing of plastic containers has emerged as a vital component of numerous industrial sectors, playing a pivotal role in bolstering local economies. While the environmental implications of plastic usage remain a subject of debate, it is imperative to acknowledge the industry’s contributions to economic advancement, job creation, and innovation across various sectors. In this …

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Download our whitepaper “How does your ecological footprint impact your planet?”

In recent years, environmental problems have become a global concern, and the concept of ecological footprint allows us to understand the impact of human activities on the planet. This includes different factors such as energy consumption, resource use, and waste production, among others. By understanding our ecological footprint, we can identify areas where we need …

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Thermoplastics: why are they so important?

In the field of materials, there are different categories with unique characteristics that distinguish them. One of the most outstanding and versatile groups is that of thermoplastics. These materials have revolutionized the industry and are present in our daily lives in many forms, from food packaging to automotive components and electronic devices. In this blog, …

Thermoplastics: why are they so important? Leer más »

Responsible management of plastic waste at home

Download our whitepaper “Responsible management of plastic waste at home”

Encouraging recycling at home involves educating family members about the importance of recycling and how to do it correctly. Some key measures include placing convenient, labeled recycling bins to separate materials properly. You should also promote the reduction and reuse of products, consider the composting of organic matter, and involve children in fun activities related …

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¿Qué características deben tener los bidones de plástico?

Today, plastic jerrycans have become a popular and versatile solution for the storage and transport of liquids in various sectors. Their durability, lightweight, and corrosion resistance make them ideal for a wide range of industrial, commercial, and domestic applications. However, not all plastic jerrycans are the same, and it is important to know the essential …

¿Qué características deben tener los bidones de plástico? Leer más »

Plastic and Garbage Islands

Download our whitepaper “Plastic and Garbage Islands

Plastic has been a revolutionary material in the 20th century, improving our lives in various ways. However, the mismanagement and lack of awareness regarding its environmental impact have resulted in a serious problem known as Garbage Islands. Garbage islands also referred to as “plastic islands” or “garbage vortexes,” are areas in the oceans where plastic …

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Download our whitepaper “Do microplastics put our health at risk?”

According to the UN Environment Program (UNEP), “plastic pollution is present everywhere, from the beaches of Indonesia to the bottom of the ocean at the North Pole, and is moving up the food chain to reach our tables.  It should be noted that pollution increased exponentially, since in 1950 two million tons of plastic were …

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