


¿Qué características deben tener los bidones de plástico?

Today, plastic jerrycans have become a popular and versatile solution for the storage and transport of liquids in various sectors. Their durability, lightweight, and corrosion resistance make them ideal for a wide range of industrial, commercial, and domestic applications. However, not all plastic jerrycans are the same, and it is important to know the essential …

¿Qué características deben tener los bidones de plástico? Leer más »

Plastic and Garbage Islands

Download our whitepaper “Plastic and Garbage Islands

Plastic has been a revolutionary material in the 20th century, improving our lives in various ways. However, the mismanagement and lack of awareness regarding its environmental impact have resulted in a serious problem known as Garbage Islands. Garbage islands also referred to as “plastic islands” or “garbage vortexes,” are areas in the oceans where plastic …

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Download our whitepaper “Do microplastics put our health at risk?”

According to the UN Environment Program (UNEP), “plastic pollution is present everywhere, from the beaches of Indonesia to the bottom of the ocean at the North Pole, and is moving up the food chain to reach our tables.  It should be noted that pollution increased exponentially, since in 1950 two million tons of plastic were …

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Plastic recycling

Download our whitepaper “Plastic recycling: Everything you need to know!”

Currently, it is very common to hear about the importance of recycling plastics for the care of the environment. It is very important to keep in mind that not all plastics are the same and, just as their uses are so different, so are their recycling possibilities. This means that to make better use of …

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How to create the perfect container.

Download our whitepaper “How to create the perfect container?”

For many years, the main function of containers has been to retain and protect products of all kinds to keep them safe during transport and storage. However, it is undeniable that today, containers have become an essential component in building a brand, thanks to their easy adaptability. Therefore, a large number of companies look for …

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Plastic and climate change

Download our whitepaper “Plastic and climate change”

It is currently very difficult to imagine life as we know it without plastic. Due to its lightness, versatility, and durability, plastic has become an essential tool for us. However, it is undeniable that when plastic decomposes, it releases a variety of chemical substances that harm organisms and ecosystems, therefore environmental problems are directly related …

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Advanced recycling of plastics

Download our whitepaper “Advanced recycling of plastics”

Without a doubt, sustainability represents a driving force for the growth and development of different industries, especially the plastics industry, which in recent years has faced a great challenge due to the growing environmental problems associated with plastic pollution all over the world. For this reason, recycling and the circularity of materials are a perfect …

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