


¿Qué características deben tener los bidones de plástico?

Today, plastic jerrycans have become a popular and versatile solution for the storage and transport of liquids in various sectors. Their durability, lightweight, and corrosion resistance make them ideal for a wide range of industrial, commercial, and domestic applications. However, not all plastic jerrycans are the same, and it is important to know the essential …

¿Qué características deben tener los bidones de plástico? Leer más »

Plastic and climate change

Download our whitepaper “Plastic and climate change”

It is currently very difficult to imagine life as we know it without plastic. Due to its lightness, versatility, and durability, plastic has become an essential tool for us. However, it is undeniable that when plastic decomposes, it releases a variety of chemical substances that harm organisms and ecosystems, therefore environmental problems are directly related …

Download our whitepaper “Plastic and climate change” Leer más »


¿Qué son los termoplásticos?

Polymers are divided into two types: thermoplastics which are characterized by being flexible or deformable at high temperatures, so they can be melted and reformed several times to recycle the plastic; and thermosets, which are materials that are easy to mold at high temperatures, but cannot be re-melted because they burn, making it impossible to …

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polyethylene bottle

Botella de Polietileno: ¿Cómo se recicla?

High-density polyethylene is a thermoplastic polymer obtained by the polymerization of ethylene. Different industries choose this material for its excellent resistance to traction, impact, ultraviolet radiation, corrosion, and different types of temperature or climatic conditions. One of the most remarkable characteristics of the polyethylene bottle is that it is a 100% recyclable material. However, it …

Botella de Polietileno: ¿Cómo se recicla? Leer más »

cosmetics packaging

Envases de cosméticos: ¿Qué material escoger?

One of the most significant challenges facing the beauty and personal care industry is the need to choose the best cosmetics packaging for each of its products. To achieve this, it is not only important that they keep the product in perfect condition since currently, but the visual appeal can also make the difference to …

Envases de cosméticos: ¿Qué material escoger? Leer más »

PET bottle

Botella PET: Beneficios para el medio ambiente

Undoubtedly, finding a container that meets the necessary standards to transport and personalize a product is very important for the industry. To achieve great results, it is very important to know what the best packaging material is and all the benefits it offers us. Currently, the PET bottle is one of the most used containers …

Botella PET: Beneficios para el medio ambiente Leer más »

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