
Empaque sustentable

Descargar el whitepaper de Aumento de la circularidad en resinas plásticas

The modernization and industrialization of the world modify our environment radically, we never set out as a society to consider the negative consequences that this would have, the only thing that mattered was convenience, comfort, ease, and speed with which they could now be improved. Without a doubt, our life changed drastically but currently, there …

Descargar el whitepaper de Aumento de la circularidad en resinas plásticas Leer más »

sustainability of packaging

La industria plástica y la sostenibilidad de los empaques

The plastic industry currently has as a priority to integrate the sustainability of packaging within its priorities. The first step they have solved is to try to make the packaging of a single material to facilitate the recycling process, however, the demands remain the same: high quality for the care of the content, no matter …

La industria plástica y la sostenibilidad de los empaques Leer más »

hybrid packaging

¿Qué son los empaques híbridos?

Hybrid packaging is a solution made up of two types of materials that seek to create an innovative concept, save money, add textures, or improve the presentation of the product and the consumer experience. Without a doubt, the plastic packaging market has grown considerably in recent years due to the need to replace materials such …

¿Qué son los empaques híbridos? Leer más »

plastic and solar energy

Los plásticos y la energía solar

In the search for sustainable solutions to address environmental challenges, two key issues have come to the fore in recent years: plastics and solar energy. Although at first glance they might seem like independent concepts, the truth is that they are more connected than we usually imagine. In this blog, we’ll explain the relationship between …

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ecodesign of plastic packaging

Ecodiseño de envases plásticos

The ecodesign of plastic packaging is a necessary response to the growing problem of plastic waste. Many companies claim to have recyclable packaging, but in reality, only some of it gets recycled while most end up in landfills.  Traditionally, packaging design has focused on meeting customer needs such as space and weight savings for storage …

Ecodiseño de envases plásticos Leer más »

plastic waste

Legislación internacional sobre residuos plásticos

The importance of the correct management of plastic waste has been talked about all over the world, this has to do with the immense pollution problem. Although each country has different regulations on this issue, some have made agreements due to this need to find solutions. 3 main legislative changes have been made on plastic …

Legislación internacional sobre residuos plásticos Leer más »

plastic containers

¿Cuál es el futuro de los envases de plástico?

In the present day, large manufacturers of plastic containers face the immense challenge of innovating new efficient manufacturing techniques, materials, and practices that guarantee the sustainability of their processes and plastic containers. Without a doubt, the problem of waste has become a global concern, so it is very common to ask what is the future …

¿Cuál es el futuro de los envases de plástico? Leer más »

packaging be in the future

¿Cómo serán los empaques del futuro?

Technology is advancing faster and faster, the vast majority of sectors are beginning to insert these modalities in every way. The packaging industry is no exception. Concern for the environment and the impact that plastic packaging had on it put a topic on the table: sustainability.  This trend forced a large number of companies dedicated …

¿Cómo serán los empaques del futuro? Leer más »


La biodegradabilidad de los materiales

The biodegradability of materials can be defined as the capacity of certain materials or substances to decompose naturally in the environment by means of bacteria and enzymes present in the material itself or in soil, air, or water. Each type of material has a certain average degradation time, however, the type of environment in which …

La biodegradabilidad de los materiales Leer más »


Plásticos biodegradables y la necesidad de etiquetado

Plastic today is key to life, we could not think of it without this material, mainly for the great diversity of industries that resort to it for its versatility, lightness, cost, and resistance. The problem lies mainly in the decomposition time that this type of raw material has, contaminating hundreds of ecosystems in the sea, …

Plásticos biodegradables y la necesidad de etiquetado Leer más »

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