
Medio ambiente

ecodesign of plastic packaging

Ecodiseño de envases plásticos

The ecodesign of plastic packaging is a necessary response to the growing problem of plastic waste. Many companies claim to have recyclable packaging, but in reality, only some of it gets recycled while most end up in landfills.  Traditionally, packaging design has focused on meeting customer needs such as space and weight savings for storage …

Ecodiseño de envases plásticos Leer más »

plastic fuel

Combustible de plástico: ¿Es posible?

Amid growing concerns about the environmental impact of plastic, new research, and development constantly emerge to find sustainable solutions. One area that has gained attention in recent years is the possibility of creating plastic fuel. In this blog, we’ll explore whether it’s possible to turn plastic into a viable source of energy. The Plastic Problem …

Combustible de plástico: ¿Es posible? Leer más »

PET Recycling

El problema de la humedad en el reciclado de PET

PET recycling presents a problem that is not so known in the plastics industry. It is one of the most widely used materials in the packaging industry, followed by HDPE and polypropylene. PET is used in a large number of products such as water bottles, soft drinks, and another packaging for certain markets.  There is …

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PET recycling industry

El impacto social de la industria del reciclaje de PET

The PET recycling industry  has gained significant recognition in recent decades due to its ability to reduce pollution and environmental impact. However, the social impact of this industry is also worth noting. In this blog, we will explain how PET recycling affects society in three key aspects: employment and economic opportunities, education and environmental awareness, …

El impacto social de la industria del reciclaje de PET Leer más »

plastic waste

Legislación internacional sobre residuos plásticos

The importance of the correct management of plastic waste has been talked about all over the world, this has to do with the immense pollution problem. Although each country has different regulations on this issue, some have made agreements due to this need to find solutions. 3 main legislative changes have been made on plastic …

Legislación internacional sobre residuos plásticos Leer más »

plastic containers

¿Cuál es el futuro de los envases de plástico?

In the present day, large manufacturers of plastic containers face the immense challenge of innovating new efficient manufacturing techniques, materials, and practices that guarantee the sustainability of their processes and plastic containers. Without a doubt, the problem of waste has become a global concern, so it is very common to ask what is the future …

¿Cuál es el futuro de los envases de plástico? Leer más »

packaging be in the future

¿Cómo serán los empaques del futuro?

Technology is advancing faster and faster, the vast majority of sectors are beginning to insert these modalities in every way. The packaging industry is no exception. Concern for the environment and the impact that plastic packaging had on it put a topic on the table: sustainability.  This trend forced a large number of companies dedicated …

¿Cómo serán los empaques del futuro? Leer más »

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