

HDPE containers

¿Cómo se fabrican los PEAD containers?

In the plastic packaging industry, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is one of the most widely used materials due to its versatility and durability. At Plastimex, a leading plastic packaging molding company, we take pride in producing high-quality HDPE containers. Have you ever wondered how these essential containers in the industry are manufactured? In this blog, we …

¿Cómo se fabrican los PEAD containers? Leer más »

agrochemical industry

Tipos de envases para industria de agroquímicos

The agrochemical industry plays a fundamental role in food production and agriculture in general. The chemicals used in this industry, such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and fertilizers, require packaging that is safe, efficient, and resistant to adverse conditions. Plastimex, a leading company in the manufacture of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) packaging, offers a wide range of …

Tipos de envases para industria de agroquímicos Leer más »

small containers

Contenedores pequeños: ¿Cómo escoger la mejor opción?

When it comes to small containers, making the right choice can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction and the success of your product. As PET packaging manufacturers at Plastimex, we understand the importance of offering versatile and functional options for various needs. In this blog, we will explain the different uses of small containers …

Contenedores pequeños: ¿Cómo escoger la mejor opción? Leer más »

small containers

Botella de polietileno vs otros materiales de envasado

In a scenario where product safety is a crucial aspect for consumers, the choice of packaging material becomes a strategic decision for any brand looking to position its product in the market. In this blog, we will explain why the polyethylene bottle represents an exceptional solution, surpassing the limitations of traditional materials like aluminum and …

Botella de polietileno vs otros materiales de envasado Leer más »

advantages of HDPE

Plastic classification: What is it for?

In the plastic container molding industry, material choice is crucial to ensure product quality. One of the most versatile and popular materials in this industry is High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE). At Plastimex, we take pride in being a leading plastic packaging manufacturer, and one of the reasons behind our success is the smart choice of materials …

Plastic classification: What is it for? Leer más »

PET Preforms

¿Qué son las preformas de PET?

In the packaging industry, innovation and quality are two crucial factors for standing out and meeting the changing needs of consumers. In this regard, PET preforms  (Polyethylene Terephthalate) preforms have proven to be an essential component for manufacturing high-quality packaging. At Plastimex, we are a leading factory in packaging production, and these preforms form the …

¿Qué son las preformas de PET? Leer más »


¿Qué envases usar para almacenar agroquímicos?

In modern agriculture, the use of  agrochemicals plays a vital role in increasing productivity and protecting crops against pests and diseases. However, along with their benefits, agrochemicals also pose significant risks to human health and the environment if not handled properly. One of the most effective ways to ensure safety is by storing these products …

¿Qué envases usar para almacenar agroquímicos? Leer más »

envases para cremas corporales

The beauty and personal care industry is a fascinating and ever-evolving world, where the quality and presentation of products play a crucial role. In this sense, containers are the primary image for body creams. As plastic container manufacturers, we are committed to providing innovative and versatile solutions to enhance your customers’ experience and elevate the …

envases para cremas corporales Leer más »


Thermoplastics: why are they so important?

In the field of materials, there are different categories with unique characteristics that distinguish them. One of the most outstanding and versatile groups is that of thermoplastics. These materials have revolutionized the industry and are present in our daily lives in many forms, from food packaging to automotive components and electronic devices. In this blog, …

Thermoplastics: why are they so important? Leer más »

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