
Biodegradable packaging

Tips to reduce plastic waste

Descargar el whitepaper sobre Consejos para disminuir los residuos plásticos

There are many types of plastic waste, a good part of it ends up in the oceans, landfills or other places where it contaminates our environment, a third of this waste corresponds to packaging in its different presentations. If the current rate of growth continues, it is estimated thatby 2050 plastic waste will exceed 12 …

Descargar el whitepaper sobre Consejos para disminuir los residuos plásticos Leer más »

Descargar el whitepaper de Aumento de la circularidad en resinas plásticas

The modernization and industrialization of the world modify our environment radically, we never set out as a society to consider the negative consequences that this would have, the only thing that mattered was convenience, comfort, ease, and speed with which they could now be improved. Without a doubt, our life changed drastically but currently, there …

Descargar el whitepaper de Aumento de la circularidad en resinas plásticas Leer más »


La biodegradabilidad de los materiales

The biodegradability of materials can be defined as the capacity of certain materials or substances to decompose naturally in the environment by means of bacteria and enzymes present in the material itself or in soil, air, or water. Each type of material has a certain average degradation time, however, the type of environment in which …

La biodegradabilidad de los materiales Leer más »


Plásticos biodegradables y la necesidad de etiquetado

Plastic today is key to life, we could not think of it without this material, mainly for the great diversity of industries that resort to it for its versatility, lightness, cost, and resistance. The problem lies mainly in the decomposition time that this type of raw material has, contaminating hundreds of ecosystems in the sea, …

Plásticos biodegradables y la necesidad de etiquetado Leer más »

plastic bottle recycling

Considerations Before Plastic Bottle Recycling

To achieve a higher percentage of plastic bottles to be recycled, great efforts are required from their manufacture, to achieve greater recovery of materials such as PET and HDPE. The following are some practices or recommendations that manufacturers should follow for plastic bottle recycling. Automation From the moment the packaging is designed and manufactured, it …

Considerations Before Plastic Bottle Recycling Leer más »

Biodegradable packaging

Envases biodegradables: ¿Son realmente una opción sostenible?

The search for different ways to reduce the waste generated by the use of plastic packaging has forced different companies and private organizations to bet on the research and manufacture of biodegradable packaging.  Biodegradation occurs when a material is disintegrated by biological agents so that they can be reintegrated into nature without the intervention of …

Envases biodegradables: ¿Son realmente una opción sostenible? Leer más »

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