
industria plástica

injection molding

Moldeo por inyección de envases y tapas plásticas

Injection molding is a technique that is used around the world to manufacture containers with different plastics, such as High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP). Currently, parts with specific requirements in mechanical behavior, weight reduction, wear resistance, electrical insulation, and chemical stability in the presence of aggressive products have found the best solution in this …

Moldeo por inyección de envases y tapas plásticas Leer más »

cosmetic products

Envases para productos cosméticos

For the beauty and personal care industry, it is essential to find a balance between the protection and the presentation of its packaging for cosmetic products, since currently, the visual appeal can make the difference to position the cosmetic among its consumers.  Undoubtedly, the security to store, transport and protect the content is also a …

Envases para productos cosméticos Leer más »


Recuperación y reciclaje de envases plásticos

Recovery The first step to proceed with the recycling of plastic containers is the collection, this requires a complex system in which undoubtedly the support of consumers is essential, although in most countries plastic containers are separated from other types of garbage, it is often not possible to recycle them because they are already contaminated …

Recuperación y reciclaje de envases plásticos Leer más »

plastic bottle recycling

Considerations Before Plastic Bottle Recycling

To achieve a higher percentage of plastic bottles to be recycled, great efforts are required from their manufacture, to achieve greater recovery of materials such as PET and HDPE. The following are some practices or recommendations that manufacturers should follow for plastic bottle recycling. Automation From the moment the packaging is designed and manufactured, it …

Considerations Before Plastic Bottle Recycling Leer más »

Biodegradable packaging

Envases biodegradables: ¿Son realmente una opción sostenible?

The search for different ways to reduce the waste generated by the use of plastic packaging has forced different companies and private organizations to bet on the research and manufacture of biodegradable packaging.  Biodegradation occurs when a material is disintegrated by biological agents so that they can be reintegrated into nature without the intervention of …

Envases biodegradables: ¿Son realmente una opción sostenible? Leer más »

plastic industry

 La industria del plástica: ¿Porqué los envases son tan importantes?

Today, the plastic industry garners both interest and concern worldwide. Despite debates about its environmental impact, it’s undeniable that plastics play a crucial role in our society. One of the standout aspects is the production of plastic containers, especially those made from High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). In this blog, we’ll explain why …

 La industria del plástica: ¿Porqué los envases son tan importantes? Leer más »

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